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Monday, December 22, 2014


 We are getting close to that time of year you either love or dislike. Some like the weather that this time of year brings, some like the gifts under the tree, some like the eggnog. I look back over the years I've written and find I haven't spent much time talking about this important part of the year.          

Guess it's overdue....

The Christmas/New Years Celebration used to be a time of crushing loneliness. I hated the reminder that another year went by and I was not feeling affection from someone special, didn't have any children to complain about, or that I still had a life that felt empty and meaningless. It happened, not every year, but more often than not. I overcame it when I realized that the reality I was dealt came from ME. I made the choices that got me here, and if I didn't like it, I needed to do something about it. End of story. Sounds easy but it took decades for this dummy to figure THAT one out.

The solitude I choose almost every year is one that, while I don't crave it,  I am completely comfortable in it. Don't be mistaken that I dislike the company of others - far from it. I've just learned to enjoy my choices, even if the results aren't going as expected. I've had many people in the past feel sorry for me, but they just misunderstood the outlook I have towards it.

I don't know how many folks get immersed in it all, but there are a few changes I would make, if given the power. I'm sure many will be glad I have no such power....

1. Play Christmas songs only within a week of the actual DAY. Ugh.... How many times can you hear Rudolph with your nose so bright????

2. Stop giving gifts. Does Jesus REALLY want you to have a new socks or underwear???? The commercialization is what mostly kills it for ME.

3. The week between Christmas and New Years would be for community service. Not only would it serve as a reminder that there are many, many folks less fortunate, not only would it help those organizations that need help, it would also be a way for people to feel needed and wanted. There are countless human beings who feel neither.

4. Outlaw the idea of making lists to improve the holidays.

I'm just kidding on that last one, but what I truly wish the Holiday Season WAS more about is LOVE.

Loving your fellow human being, .... well, except for the lawyers and those knuckleheads in Congress that forget why they are there. Appreciate the fact that the world is not empty, that we have such great diversity which brings out both the best and worst in us. I'll never be able to explain why some folks are looked at as "less-than-human" because of where they live or to what God they pray. It's the ultimate in stupidity.

Loving the animals on this world. I'm not just talking your dog or cat. There are far too many species hunted to the brink of extinction because some insecure fool wants a trophy or excitement. Others are hunted for their horns, for their skins, for their so-called medicinal properties, or for their meat. Some are mistreated because they have outgrown their "cuteness". Some are too expensive to care for. Some are thought to be vermin. As the caretakers of our planet, we should be doing much better at caring and be doing less taking....

Loving this unique (so far) planet of ours. The Earth, for all she gives we seem to only want more. We strip her forests, we dig out her precious metals, we pump out her oil, we pollute her air, pillage her waters, we steal her wildlife.... we act like nothing matters except our own misguided greed. We live for now and give very little thought to what our little blue marble will be like in a 100 or 1000 years. That's not a plan for success. Sounds more like a plan for destruction. Are we THAT stupid???

Yes, there is a theme here - maybe it's corny or maybe it's unrealistic to prefer love over getting a good deal on a flatscreen. In our unrealistic world, we would not be afraid to show our affections towards other people, countries, cultures, or religions.

War could be deleted from Websters. Along with brummagem (adj., cheap and showy). Yea.... you could just say "cheap" or "showy"!

Governments would exist to help the people they protect and serve. What an original thought! Ok... maybe NOT so original....

Genocide would only be mentioned in the dark pages of history books, not daily on the 6 o'clock news.

Folks would be seen smiling, day and night because, after all, who DOESN'T smile like a fool when they love or are loved? Listening to Howard Stern DOESN'T count!

Maybe it's just a dream, but thank you very much, I'll keep dreaming.

Without hope for tomorrow, why would we try and make a difference today?

Make YOUR difference....

Happy Holidays to ALL


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