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Friday, December 8, 2017


I posed a question to myself around the same time we lost Tom Petty. The inspiration came from a college student as I thought about their journey, and then thought of my own. 

"What is left to do in life?" 

Everyone has a different answer of course. For many, it is measured in raising kids, or vacation destinations, or buying an item on their bucket list. There is no incorrect answer, and none are the same for everybody. But what about ME? 

I've written about the absence of children, but will I consider myself a failure if I never find their Mother? No. Would my life have been better with them included? Of course, but that is somewhat out of my control. You are NOT guaranteed to finding a mate you want to spend forever with, and I won't have kids just to have kids. 

Travel? I have made it to a few countries, but many more are inviting and interesting. India, China, England, Italy, Australia, and a stack of others are on the list of must see destinations. If I don't go? No worries. Plenty to see in the USA. 

Buying anything special??? I got my truck, so I think I am satisfied there. 

Mom has to be mentioned in this. If she stays happy until she takes her last breath, then I can go, knowing I did right by her. 

As a matter of fact, I can go NOW and know I am a better person then I was as a young man. Better to others, better for myself, better for the environment. Just a better human being. It's comforting, and satisfying.

I found the key to my own happiness that frequently is lost on others. I no longer feel the crushing, disabling, and paralyzing sense of despair whenever something awful happens. Or even when a bout of the blues shows up. I recognize it, embrace it, and move on. What else should one do? 

What IS left on my own constantly changing bucket list? 

California! Driving on Route 1 from beginning to end will be like my own version of heaven. Seeing some sights, and enjoying the weather will be like the cherry on top though. Driving Dester is essential to the experience too...

Helping others has always been on the list. There is no reason to erase it. It may be only getting a smile from a stranger, but I hope to be a bright spot in anyone's day. 

Moving South. Yes, I want winter to be a distant memory! No more snow, no more frigid cold, no more salty roads. THAT sounds heavenly...

That may be the shortest bucket list ever! Maybe rename it a teacup list.... 

...subject to change of course....


I watched a movie last night that was pretty darn good. It made me THINK, which is always nice, but I only recommend it if you like STORIES instead of just blowing things up and awesome special effects.
I went down to the local RedBox and got "About Time".
I have to admit to liking the idea of time travel, so this movie was an easy choice. It's English, so it is a little odd to us here in the States, but some of us can appreciate the differences.
The story is about this man whose family has a secret gift - the men can travel through time! This brings up a bunch of questions that the guy's father answers the best he can. What follows is a nice series of episodes that involve his returning to the past as a do-over. Imagine if you could just have a rehearsal to life! One run-though, and then the NEXT time would count... Hmmmm....
The obvious question that comes up is, what would YOU do if you could travel back through your lifetime? Would you change anything or just relive it as it unfolded? It's an interesting thought....
Most people would probably think of money first, but that's before you think of all the important things you could accomplish. People's lives could be enriched, pain could be lessened, and unimaginable numbers of ways to make the world a little better place to live. Memories can be experienced again, people who have passed can be treasured, great days can be appreciated, even more....
Sounds wonderful, doesn't it?


You made an impression...
not with a hammer, but a smile
a genuine, 100% happy kind of look
The kind I strangely want to inspire

You keep your distance, yet.... can I tell?
If you are just being kind.... or maybe
I might be so lucky to attract a young lady
so vibrant, and full of compassion, that....

You make me want to know more....
like, how could I add to what appears in my eyes
is a life that needs nothing at all
You're spirit is free, your soul seems complete

You may not have a place for my heart'
I most definitely want to find out
For better or worse, maybe the truth will hurt
but knowing just might make the dream real

You say, “What dream?”.... disbelieving
the things I have said in the past
“YOU” started off each paragraph here
like the YOU that starts off each day

The YOU in my mind smiles back at me
each morning is the YOU I hope you might be
Happier, still, because I bring along bliss
the kind imagined so often.... so clear

There's nothing like a partner, a lover
a friend that is a help when you hurt
that shares in elations and celebrations
that life naturally seems to bring your way

It's quite obvious.... the signs are there
to everyone that sees us out and about
We found the match to our euphoric lives
The key ingredient, to bring sunshine every day

A partner that loves and supports
not only the you of today, but the you of tomorrow
and more... the YOU you WANT to be
The one you strive to be.... and WILL be

So.... how can I get you to open the door
for this stranger that just came along?
This man, so open.... to all that you are
and all that you might be.... in the real world


One of my favorite movies of all time is Groundhog Day. It isn't because the movie is theoretically set in Pa. it's actually filmed in Illinois.. It isn't because I'm a Bill Murray fan. I could not say that honestly. It isn't because of any deep-rooted fandom of Sonny & Cher, but "Babe" is a good song that fits PERFECT in the movie....

What IS it then?

Of course I like anything that involves time-travel. Imagining the possibilities of going back (or forward!) is fascinating and would be my choice of superpowers - if we had a choice! While this movie isn't exactly time-travel in the classic sense, it's more like a time loop that keeps repeating the day over and over...

I also like endings that make you feel GOOD instead of mad, sad, or plaid. This movie has a happy ending....

The REAL reason I like it is the choices Murray's character makes as he re-runs the days events again and again. I would have done them too! ALL of the m... If you remember or once you have seen this film, you will know EXACTLY what I'm talking about!This entertaining 101 minute classic, appears fairly often on regular TV. As a matter of fact, it was the inspiration for writing this! Once I saw it yet again, it reminded me of why I loved it so much.

It would probably not surprise anyone that the director was Harold Ramis. if that name rings a bell, he was a writer and/or director for a LOT of well-known flicks.... Animal House, Ghostbusters, Caddyshack, Stripes, and National Lampoon's Vacation are all a part of this good guy's body of work. Everyone that speaks of him say the same thing - he was a real NICE guy who liked to tell a good story. And he did....

One of the comments Harold makes about the affect Groundhog day has on various religions is that they all think he must have been a "Christian", or "Jewish" or many others, because it related to all of them.... The fact that a man can change for the better, no matter how unhappy he may have been. It's a journey we all face at one time or another and it's told here in a way that is clever. The DAY doesn't change, but the MAN does, and by the end, is a better human being for going through it.

Phil Connors starts off this adventure being very unlikable. He doesn't like what he does or who he is. Once he realizes what's happening, he is happy knowing there are no consequences to anything done during the day. He seduces women, steals a bag of cash from the bank, eats too much, smokes too much, drives into billboard signs too much. Eventually the fun stops and he gets depressed knowing that nothing will last. The ironic part is, that once he realizes helping people makes him feel much better, he finally can move on....

Laughing at some scenes, it may get overlooked just how profound this comedy is, but I would rate it as one of my favorite movies ever done. If you haven't seen it yet, maybe you would like it too...