I guess I was triggered, but it's been a long, steady ride to my own personal revolution.
I try and be informed. Not only reading Blue or Red leaning articles, but keeping an open mind on any good ideas.
The hate from Dems towards our President (who I DIDN'T vote for, by the way) and the negative spin the MSM continues to relentlessly pump out to the mindless, have created in me an ambivalence that I never imagined.
There are so few Congressman I can pinpoint as being GOOD for our country. You are clearly one.
I don't agree with ALL of your thoughts, but knowing in your heart what you care about is America and it's people, helps many of us respect your position. Here is my response to a fool that DOESN'T agree to opening up the country sooner rather than later, and accused those wanting it that they will "kill babies" ...
"Kill other peoples loved ones"?????
No one is going to be FORCED to go outside. No one is going to be FORCED to go hug a stranger. All those that WANT to stay in their padded cells are most welcome to stay there. As a matter of national secutity, PLEASE DO.
The REST of us, the MAJORITY of us, those of us who realize there are TOO MANY risks of life that can be avoided, we will be safely going about our lives.
There are MANY people still out there, stocking shelves, trucking freight, and delivering orders for ALL OF US that prove its not a death sentence.
But proof is not what you and your type are looking for. You just look for a reason to shit on anyone that doesn't agree with YOUR version of how life should be.
Well, it took to TODAY, but I now realize that the ENEMY of America isn't living in a third world country. Not professing a different religion. The ENEMY is living here within the border already.
It's those unhinged, ill-informed, hateful traitors that follow blindly, the idiots leading a particular polical party.
Neither side is one that ANY sane American can point to and be proud of their agenda.
But I will take particular joy if the President wins this election. It will be a great time to witness thousands and thousands of Democrat's heads exploding. Since they clearly aren't USING their brains, luckily no one will be hurt.
God MUST be questioning why so many want his blessing from the USA. So many CLEARLY have no idea what love and compassion are...
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