That's how I spent Mom's birthday this year, the first without her. It felt like a cloud was hanging over me, even though I know it was all because of how I was remembering the past. And the future without her.
The memories as a kid are far different, measured by a kids perspective.
I remember the time Dad was upset, the first time I ever seen him cry, and he told Linda and me that Mom had died, but they brought her back, from the hysterectomy she had to have. How different would life have been if she was gone then? I was 6 or 7 at the time, so I can't imagine the path that would have unfolded at that point.
I remember finding some letters that my biological father wrote to Mom when
we were in Germany. I couldn't believe he didn't want us to come back to Middletown. Mom defended him, saying she wished we could be friends. It was then I looked at him through clearer eyes. He wasn't a good Dad, and I questioned whether he was a good man. In the end, I was happy that he kept his distance. I am better for it, no doubt.
I remember when I had my accident, playing baseball, and had to go into the hospital for 2 operations to re-attach my retina. She was so concerned, I felt guilty getting hurt. I was 13 and didn't understand the fuss. I was more upset that Elvis died a week later...
I remember getting my drivers license and she was always worried when I was out and about. She would stay up until I was in for the night. I thought that was just silly. I was 16 and felt independent.
I remember when Mom had had enough of Dad acting mad at everything and she wanted to leave. The more she thought about it, the more she couldn't do
it. She pointed out the good sides of Dad, and why she should stay. He died a few years later and her life was vastly different. Some new exciting things. Some dark awful things. I think she would have preferred Dad to stay longer. The biggest change after he was gone was Mom stopped going to church. She blamed God for her not being home when Dad left.
I remember, many times, Mom saying how much she would have liked me to meet a "nice little German girl" and live happily ever after. Even when we went to Germany, I STILL couldn't find one... sorry Mom.
I remember the long walks Mom and I would go on, talking about everything, and seeing her so happy. I wish I would have tried to make her that joyful more often. Eventually, she found the joy, but only after all her memories were erased.
I remember our first "once in a lifetime trip" together. We spent seven weeks visiting her family and travelling Europe. There was not special time with Mom, up until then. Too bad I lost 15 rolls of film taken during that time.... so many memories lost.
I remember taking Mom on a company trip I earned to Canada. I was so glad I got the opportunity. She went shopping (which she despised!) for a new
wardrobe and was as happy and proud as I ever seen her. Those smiles are burned in my memory, even to this day. To show her that her son wasn't the bum her husbands claimed I was, and the way she was accepted by everyone, clearly showed I made the right decision to bring her along.
I remember when I got the call from Mom that I needed to come home and help her through a difficult situation with her ex-husband. She was living with him, despite the chaos he brought, thinking she could somehow make it all better. When she finally felt overwhelmed by it all, she got me involved, but it didn't last long. A few months later, she was back. She felt sorry for him, because he had no one to take care of him in declining health. That was Mom's spirit... to take care of someone despite the emotional demolition derby that her life became.
Right up until she couldn't take his abuse any more. I had to get involved again, this time for good. I could see the relief on Mom right away. She started to be happy again, but all was not as it was before. She had lost a step. Her mind was not clear. Luckily, she never really noticed. I knew this was going to be a long road full of new things to learn. Did I imagine almost 10 years? Nope.
The decline in the beginning was ok. Conversation was harder to keep going. She didn't have the words any more. But she started to laugh more. She started to enjoy life and smile all the time. That's what I'll remember. Mom smiling.
There's literally hundreds of pictures of Mom after this time. MOST of them show a smiling happy lady loving life. That's what I miss...
So what do I take away from the last 9 years? There were struggles, tears, laughter, and smiles. The fact Mom didn't remember who I was pretty soon after she started to live with me was a bummer.
I knew I missed the best years. I was determined though, to make Mom's last years her best. I was proud of her my whole life, but no more so than when she started to have challenges, and just battled through them. She stayed the determined, positive person I always knew.
Did I succeed in surrounding Mom with joy? ? If you look at the pictures, it seems that answer is a resounding yes.
I hope she can say the same....